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Expert estimation

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Our company is glad to offer you the co-operation in conducting of the property estimation, property rights and business.
The key constituent of any transaction is a cost of the property, which is the sale object.
With the development of the market relations in any country appears an objective requirement to have the skilled and independent appraisers, it’s very important to depend upon expert opinion of appraiser, which at the end will influence on the estimations of decision accepted a customer. It can be the decision to sell or not sell an asset, and on what price it is oriented, whether take a loan in a bank, and it’s size which is in the mortgage of the property. Besides, the independent appraiser allows to reduce risks for each of sides at accomplishing of transactions, crediting, leasing, anti-crisis management, reorganization, insurance and so on.
With the revival of non state patterns of ownership in Ukraine appeared a necessity of the professional’s participation in transactions with the property who can orient a salesman and buyer about the cost of participating in the property transaction. Transformation of the Ukrainian economy to the market created pre-conditions for introduction to the sphere of the market relations of such concept as an estimation.
Yet in Ukraine a few years ago not many people knew about the and realized a conducting necessity of it.
But evaluation activity of the expert estimation began in pre-revolution Russia. In Russian Empire the market mechanism of management functioned successfully and there was a stable market of the real estate which was estimated mainly on the base of profitable approach. In the archives the materials were saved about functioning of markets of the real estate in Kiev, Ekaterinoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk), Kharkov and other Ukrainian cities. After October Revolution and liquidation of the private rights on the lands and the capital goods, evaluation activity was practically stopped. In a soviet period the estimation of the state objects was conducted with the use of normative methods, based on the calculation of the estimate and balance costs, typical for the economy of command-administrative type, that methods, unconnected with the market conditions of management.
The Ukrainian evaluation activity began to regenerate with the independence of Ukrainian and appearance of the market economy features.
In Ukraine the evaluation activity was started in 1991-1992, that was related to passing of the country economy to the market conditions. However at first this activity was carried out separate enthusiasts, being not based practically on no normatively-legal basis.
By a substantial shove to the official appearance of the appraisers profession and development of evaluation activity in Ukraine in a great deal beginning of «small privatization» legislative bases of which were demanded by the estimations of buildings, buildings, apartments, integral property complexes of small state enterprises, objects and etc. Uncompleted building, promoted In subsequent, in connection with privatization of major state concerns (especially with passing to its money form), the real requirement appeared in the expert estimation of business — operating enterprises, holdings of shares (refill, shares in economic societies of the opened and closed types, and also intangible assets).
Today, the banks, investment funds, firms and enterprises, come forward in Ukraine the basic customers of evaluation works. Very often owners need the help of appraisers, what to know the potential of his ownness for making a decision on a management of this object. Now in many banks the estimation of the real estate is a necessary obligatory condition, at the receipt of the loan to buy the real estate, equipment, transport vehicle. And if an estimation looks a novelty in our country, in the whole civilized world any operation with the real estate, any project of the developer or investment project can’t be without its.
Our company gives such services as:
Estimation of the real estate
Estimation of the machines and transport vehicles
Estimation of the equipment
Estimation of the personal chattels
Business estimation
Estimation of the actions and securities
Estimation of the intangible assets
Estimation of the property rights
On the customer’s wishes the independent estimation of the real estate is made for such aims:
  • sale transactions;
  • privatizations (buying a state stake back);
  • handing over in a lease;
  • payment for the chartered capital of the created enterprise;
  • providing the credit obligations at the receipt of credit (mortgage, mortgage);
  • translation of accounting control on the international standards of the account;
  • overvalues for a reflection in accounting control on the real (by a market) cost;
  • raising on a record-keeping;
  • selection of owners stake (participants);
  • insurances;
  • bankruptcies;
  • restructuring or liquidations of enterprise;
  • determination of harm and size of the insurance compensation;
  • registrations of the inheritance and others
The cost of services in an independent expert estimation makes a reservation in every case and depends on the followings factors:
  • type and composition of the estimation object;
  • plenitude and authenticity of present for the Customer necessary information about the object of estimation;
  • terms of the fulfilment ordering.

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