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Credit broker

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«BGT consulting» company provides requiring payment services of the professional advising in the questions of crediting private and corporate clients and SME, working in Ukraine.
We are interested in the thing that a bank gives out a loan exactly for you. We have a large experience in the crediting field, and also are well acquainted with the loan products and requirements of different banks.
Above all things the specialist of our company estimates your possibilities on the receipt of one or another loan, then picks up the program exactly for you and which is most important - he helps you to process all necessary documents for a further transmission to the bank.
Thus, «BGT consulting» company is not simply a mediator between a client and bank, but at first is the consultant, helping a future borrower to choose an optimum loan among the great number of suggestions of different banks. The search of suitable variant is conducted not only coming from the minimum interest rate of bank but also taking into account various "submarine stone" – hidden commissions of bank for delivery and maintenance of the loan, presence or absence of approvals of fines for the premature redemption, unexpectedly growing interest rate on credit-side and etc. In other words, our main task is to pick up a maximally advantageous loan for the client.
We provide followings services:
           forming of the loan dossier;
           analysis of the given documents;
           conducting of procedure of preliminary classification of the client;
           estimation of the borrower’s solvency and analysis of financial stability;
           determination of credible cost of providing;
           determination of debt limitations
           discussion of existent or possible refusals;
           selection of the bank with the best terms of crediting;
           elucidation on interest rates;
           calculation of all forthcoming charges on credit-side;
           comparative analysis of charts of redemption of the loan;
           elucidation of filling of request in a bank;
           delivery the prepared document in bank establishment;
           accompaniment and control on all stages of receipt of credit;
           minimization of term of consideration of request;
           achieving the maximal sum of crediting for a client;
           decline of the refusal risk on the receipt of the loan.

Мы в Фейсбуке Мы в Твиттере Мы в ЖЖ
Other services
Кредит наличными
Денежный аккредитив
Товарный аккредитив
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Неподтвержденный аккредитив
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Делимый аккредитив
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Циркулярный аккредитив
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Оценка квартиры
Оценка домовладения
Оценка коммерческой недвижимости
Оценка промышленной недвижимости
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Inflation rate
Inflation rate
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The NBU discout rate
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